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Writer's pictureA.A.R.I .News Reporter

Pakistan Rawalpindi Airport Housing Society Planning Mass Killing of Homeless Dogs

Four the 4th straight year massive Street Dog Killings are continuing in Pakistan despite Global attention. These practices include every year, personnel from the sanitation directorate use shotguns or poison to kill hundreds of stray dogs. As far back as 2015 consider citizens have been trying to find away to stop the Governments blatant operations of mass killings of Dogs through out the country.

In December of 2018 the Help Welfare Organisation filed a petition in the high courts to stop such practices occurring in the Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad. The petition argued that the practice of shooting and poisoning healthy stray dogs by the CDA and MCI’s sanitation directorate was inhumane, and in violation of the Constitution, laws and Islamic principles.

The petition pointed to Article 2 of the Constitution, which declares Islam as the state religion and cites several passages from the Quran and the prophetic traditions which promote the welfare of animals in support of its case.

In the most recent endeavor of killings is slated for area know as the Airport Housing Society in Rawalpindi. Syed Muzaffar Tirmizi, the Finance Secretary of, Pakistan, has announced a plan for massive dog culling as part of a 'pest control' strategy after receiving complaints from several of the society's residents.

When he contacted the Health Department of the Government of Pakistan to assist in this matter he was met with no reply. When the Health Department of the Pakistan Government didn't respond, the Municipal Corporation Rawalpindi took matters into their own hands. The Corporation submitted photos of dogs that they already started o gun down in the streets.

Tirimzi plan is to kill as many as dogs possible as soon as possible.

Pakistan has virtually no animal rights and stray dogs and cats are treated like pests that are routinely shot and poisoned. Initiatives like spay-neuter-release programs don't get much attention from the government, and animal welfare organizations are in relatively nascent stages with few resources and zero help from the authorities. Mass culling and poisoning has been a go to method to deal with the stray animal population for years.

The newly elected government last year promised to increase animal rights and protection.

Talks are in progress to resolve the situation.

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