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Getting involved. Why we do it!

Call your local animal welfare agency immediately.

In most areas, someone from the local animal control agency, humane organization, or animal shelter will be responsible for investigating and enforcing the local anti-cruelty laws, but if you don’t know who’s in charge in your city or town, you can always call the local police non-emergency number to find out who to report the cruelty to. Also, in many locales, 311 connects directly to city services, who will know where to direct you.



To make the world aware of the animals' abusers of this planet, one post at a time. 

Current and update to latest information on crimes. This page reveals names and places- it will include people, companies, universities, city, states and groups they commit abuse whether from violent acts to proper care and well being. A.A.R.I will list everyone we can to inform and educate the human race.

The goal to put "human" back inhumane! As many people and groups who commit abuse rarely are punished, by making the Public aware that they crime these acts we can take an active step in bringing them to light.

Our goal here at the ARRI News is to inform and share stories from around the world of animals in trouble, what you can do and bring to you the inspirational stories.

A note on animal abuse....Keeping animals as entertainment is really disturbing. In psychology terms, it describes the person either in two ways - one unable to make connections with its own kind and seeks companionship -two seeking validation in the form subjugation to another either example which you chose is not healthy. There are enough hurt or wound animals on this planet that raising or trapping animals for these purposes is totally unnecessary. When you purchase another living being for your own purpose it says a lot of who and what you are.


Why ARRI News started. …This PAGE is dedicated is in loving memory of Micha.

One day someone let him out and he was lost his way and was poisoned by someone in my neighbourhood. I found steps from my back door and his tried to make his way home. We never found who killed Micha and started this PAGE to stop monsters who prey and the small and helpless.


We strive to reveal names and places- it will include people, companies, universities, city, states and groups that commit abuse whether from violent acts to proper care and well being. A.A.R.I will list everyone we can to inform and educate the human race. The goal to put "human" back inhumane! As many people and groups who commit abuse rarely are punished, by making the Public aware that they crime these acts we can take an active step in bring them to light.

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