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Help Stop Animal Abuse. Protect our pets, wildlife & forests. For now, and for the generations after us.

A journey starts with a single paw print


Why ARRI News started. …This PAGE is dedicated is loving memory of Micha.

One day someone let him out and he was lost his way and was poisoned by someone in my neighborhood. I found steps from my backdoor and his tried to make his way home. We never found who killed Micha and started this PAGE to stop monsters who prey and the small and helpless.

News 1

We are going for our Registry charity destination this year. Help us make this a reality! Donate TODAY! Here's how! GoFundME

News 2

ARRI is changing how it helps in the world! We are going around the world to hear from groups and individuals alike on how we can pull together and make a difference!

News 3

GLOBAL RESCUE AWARENESS PROJECT - Small Rescue that needs help? New Pilot Project being developed those local rescuers that need help. Do you know an individual that could use help with their efforts? Contact us and let us know and they might be able to get on our Project List for this Year!


Our goal here at the ARRI News is to inform and share stories from around the world of animals in trouble, what you can do and bring to you the inspirational stories.


The other goal is get the Public aware animal crime & bring them to justice at the local individual base! 


Ongoing financial support from our readers means we can continue pursuing difficult stories in the challenging times we are living through which reporting has never been more critical. This is important because it enables us to challenge the powerful and hold them accountable. With your support, we can continue bringing The A.A.R.I. News to the world.

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Innocent Pets Shelter Welfare

Global Rescue Awareness Project

ARRI is changing how it helps in the world! Small Non-profits are finding it hard every day to save animals.

Especially in country that have low economic economies and no animal welfare rights. The Innocent Pets Shelter Welfare Society is one such group. Located in Karachi, Pakistan they struggle daily with little funds and overwhelming challenges to rescue, treat and feed animals. Join us over the coming weeks as we get to know these rescuers and watch their Social Media presence grow!

Meet the Heroes


While there are Feeds that bring you the happy new, there is so much more behind the scene. ARRI is now branching our and bring you the people and groups that are the front line. IF can can give up there lives to Protect, we want you to know the faces behind the guns!

The Minuet Memorial Fund

The Minuet Memorial Fund was created to help individuals that rescue and care for hurt, abandoned cats. The Fund is just starting out but we hope to work hand in hand with other Rescue Fund Organizations to help provide care for those that need the help so badly.

Our first project is the Mystic Cat Sanctuary in Ontario Canada. This small band of individuals have chosen to care for those deemed that are not able to be re-homed, they provide a life time of specialized care and medical treatments.

Drawing of Cat

Over 100 Feeds from Around the World

Meet the Groups., Organizations and Government Groups to Individuals that shape our world. Here are few on them you might know or never heard off. BETA-Beirut for Ethical Treatment of Animals,Bi-State Wildlife Hotline of Missouri & Illinois, Bo Ai Animal Protection Centre of Guangyuan, Born Free Foundation, City Wildlife, Defenders of Wildlife, Doctor  Karen Becker, Dodo Impact, Dog Heirs ,Dog Tales Rescue & Sanctuary ,Dogs Are Family.

For 20 years they have been caring for cats that are Leukemia positive (FELV+) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV+) to seizures and extreme anxiety. They receive no government funding and rely on fundraising through donations.

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